THE MOKA, also known in Italy as LA CAFFETTIERA, is an Italian staple and one that has a special place in every Italian kitchen. Made in the morning, at lunch, after dinner and for friends; it is a daily tradition that is not only honoured but passed down from generation to generation.

The coffee from a moka pot is strong and intense and can be drunk with or without milk. The taste and smell of the coffee is very much dependent on the coffee variety used, the level of heat and the type of water.

Unlike capsule coffee machines, the simple moka requies a bit more patience, care and love for a home espresso made the Italian way. Below is a step-by-step guide plus a short video to demonstrate the fundamentals.

1. Fill the bottom chamber with water at room temperature (up to the pot’s safety valve).

2. Choose your favourite ground coffee . Generously fill the filter of the pot with coffee, but make sure not to press it down with a spoon or pack it too tight..

3. Place the moka pot on the stove. Set heat to low – waiting for a few more minutes is definitely worth the resulting flavour. Once the upper chamber is filled with coffee, turn off the heat.

4. Pour the coffee into espresso cups and give the espresso a stir to release all the flavour and enjoy!